
A short animated film using drawings inspired by photographs contributed by research participants and screenshots from ethnographic fieldwork interviews on Zoom. Participants were from the East Midlands and South West England.
Stills from animated GIF inspired by photographs contributed by research participant George

Photograph of fishmonger contributed by George, November 2020.
George is a white man in his 60s. He identifies as British middle-class. He lives in a market town in the East Midlands. George voted to leave the EU.
Animated GIF sequence. Drawings inspired by screenshot of Zoom call contributed by research participant Aanya, December 2020.

being so far apart
It’s about being so far apart that you can’t be together in the same space but still be connected. We were in such different time zones. So, my mum being in India she was five and a half hours behind me, my dad being in Malaysia was seven and a half hours ahead. So, by the time I would finish work they would both be sleeping. So, it was like finding the right time where I had space to give them my full attention.
Quote from interview with Anya, December 2020. Aanya is from South Asia. She is in her twenties and has lived for a number of years in the South West of England. Aanya supported remain in the referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU.