Fred is a white British boy from the South West of England who was 10 years old at the time of the first national lockdown.
The day after Fred’s twelfth birthday he was vaccinated against covid-19. Fred worked on a series of collaborative exchanges through drawing with Helen, responding to her original drawing of a vaccinator. October 2021.
Drawing inspired by social media profile photo contributed by Kristie.
i touched fifty people today!
I had to work from home for a year now [in my new job and] I have yet to interact with people [in my new office, face to face – it has all been online]. The first time I came home from vaccinating - so I was doing the over 85s - I was like ‘I touched fifty people today!’. It was just old people’s arms but I physically touched other humans, it was amazing, like fifty of them!
Kristie identifies as White British and middle class. She is in her 20s, was born in the North East, and voted Remain in the referendum.
GIF animation inspired by British press images of Brian Pinker,82 who was the first British person to receive the Astra Zeneca vaccine 4 January 2021 at 7.30am.
82-year-old Brian Pinker receives the Oxford University/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine from nurse Sam Foster at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford as the NHS ramps up its vaccination programme with 530,000 doses of the newly approved jab available for rollout across the UK.
Photographer Steve Parsons PA/ALAMY