Animation inspired by photos contributed by research participant Mike.
separate clothes
Ok. And then I [will] go into some detail about our routine. So, for example, like shopping. So, to …. begin with I was going into Sainsbury’s so once a week on a Thursday and wearing my full sort of PPE which are homemade PPE. So, my partner made a cotton mask from a pattern she got online, and we put a tissue in it and then I wore a Cagoule, and walking trousers and shoes, that I kept in the garage and are still in the garage. It’s something I’ve worn throughout the pandemic… I’ve got separate clothes from going out there into Covid world… When we got back home and my partner would put on gloves as well and we’d wash things that needed to go into the fridge, and then the rest of the shopping we just leave in the bag for three to four days and then put things away.
Quote from Mike, March 2021. Mike is a white man in his 60s. He lives in the South West of England. Mike voted to remain in the EU.
Daily Star Front Cover 27 May 2020. Image chosen by research participant Louise. Alamy Stock photo: Simon Leigh
you could turn it into
a mask,
and then you could go
anywhere in lockdown
without being arresteD.
Katharine: So, what we say about the picture why that picture?
Louise: I think because it sums it up and everyone seemed to like it regardless of their kind of political opinion, … no one argued that you shouldn’t be taking the mick out of Cummings, because everyone sort of knew it was wrong… I don’t know it just kind of totally fitted with my feelings about how the pandemic was being handled and it almost made me buy a Daily Star, but not quite.
Katharine: Yes. And so, what was the, I didn’t see that particular one, was that his face then it was his face?
Louise: It’s his face but it was like little cut out eyes and then loops round his ears so you could turn it into a mask, and then you could go anywhere in lockdown without being arrested.
Quote from interview with Louise, November 2020. Louise is a white British woman from the South West of England. She is in her forties and voted to remain in the EU.
People in Soho, London, ahead of the 10pm curfew pubs and restaurants are subject to in order to combat the rise in coronavirus cases in England. 3 October 2020 Photographer Victoria Jones PAWIRE/ALAMY
Preliminary sketch from pressing cutting. H.Snell.