Staff nurse Aria Blyth communicates using walkie talkies from a Covid area to the ward A31 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert near Falkirk, Stirlingshire. Picture date: Friday January 29, 2021. Photograph by Andrew Mulligan. PA/ALAMY
Caption reads ‘ Nurses find safe ways to communicate on a Covid Ward at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert, near Falkirk, where a ‘remembrance tree’ display commemorates patients they have treated, including those who have died.
Daily Telegraph 1 February 2021
‘No time to waste.’ January 2021
Collaborative drawings with Alison, Alison is a white woman in her 50s. She lives in the South West of England and has worked in the NHS for 33 years.
‘Two years later and still here.’ May 2022
Josephine Faleye receives the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine from a senior nurse Dilhani Somaweera, on the first day of the largest immunisation programme in the British history, in London, Britain December 8, 2020. Jack Hill/Pool via REUTERS
The first patient receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, Josephine Faleye, 80, with senior nurse Dilhani Somaweera (right) and senior matron Carol Saint (left) at Royal Free hospital in north London on the first day of the largest immunisation programme in the UK's history. Care home workers, NHS staff and people aged 80 and over began receiving the jab this morning.
PA Images/ Alamy Stock Photo. Photographer Jack Hill/The Times
Image credit Helen Snell. Grafitti in rural SW England