Animated GIF sequence deployed in the interactive app ‘Do you want to see red?’
Drawings inspired by a press image of Chinese Healthcare workers contributed by Jack.

which side
are you on
Katharine: Tell me, now the recorder’s on, so tell me about the song from the video game…
Jack: …Is what was we would call a modded song it’s from a modded game called ‘Kaiser Reich’, which is based on a computer game called ‘Hearts of Iron 4’ and the song is based on a song from the thirties, a 1930s miners’ song that was sung in the United States called: ‘Which Side Are You On’. I think that’s the basic name of it, and the song is about … a Kentucky coal miners’ strike. And the song really resonates with me in Brexit, because it was a very clear in my mind a very clear ... us and them … as much as that sounds dark, but it was a kind of ... a genuine fight for political, genuine political struggle, if that makes sense and therefore resonated with me…
The actual picture is a much more, I would say contrast with that because it was a picture of, I think three healthcare staff in China hugging in the Covid epidemic and in the pandemic in China, and I thought … it’s quite a nice image even though, it’s even though they’re covered in coveralls and healthcare PPE, it’s still quite nice to see the picture as a kind of contrast, I think.
Quote from interview with Jack, January 2020. Jack is a white British man in his 20s and is born and bred in the South West of England. Jack voted remain in the referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU.
This photo taken on January 28, 2020 shows medical staff members hugging each other in an isolation ward at a hospital in Zouping in China's easter Shandong province. - China faced deepening isolation over its coronavirus epidemic on February 1 as the death toll soared to 259, with the United States leading a growing list of nations to impose extraordinary Chinese travel bans. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT (Photo by STR/AFP via Getty Images)
animated GIF sequence inspired by graphics in The Daily Telegraph. September 2020
‘Is the UK headed for another peak in infections?’
Daily Telegraph 19 September 2020.
Source material for ‘On Off’ GIF animation.
Nurses care for a patient in an Intensive Care ward treating patients with coronavirus (COVID-19) in Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey, Britain, May 22, 2020.
Photographer Steve Parsons/Pool via REUTERS
i didn’t want to wear a face mask
I was explaining how I didn’t want to wear a face mask and I was really…I was like ‘I’ll do it, but I don’t think it makes that much difference mainly because you’ve been telling us…the government told us for months and months that you didn’t need to wear a face mask and then all of a sudden they flipped!’. And I was talking to someone and they were like…I was like ‘I don’t think it’s the government’s place to tell us to wear a face mask’ and I was talking to someone else and they were like ‘well, they tell us to wear a seatbelt and that protects you’. And I thought ‘oh OK, well that’s a fair argument’ and sort of…its slightly different but it’s a fair argument and so…but you have to be careful who you talk to.
Interview extract from Sam, a man in his 40s, November 2020. Sam self-identifies white British, working-class. He lives in a market town in the East Midlands. Sam voted to leave the EU.
‘Rick and Morty’ face covers
South West England, October 2020
Image credit K. Tyler